Symptoms and Complications of Acid Reflux Disease

Acid reflux disease or GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease) is a common health problem and most of us have suffered from the symptoms of this common health problem sometimes or other.

Symptoms and Complications of Acid Reflux Disease

It is important to understand the signs and symptoms of GERD to take preventive measures and use home remedies for acid reflux disease before we can consult a doctor.

The most frequent or most common signs and symptoms of GERD are:

1. Heartburn

2. Dysphagia or difficulty in swallowing

3. Regurgitation (backflow of contents from the stomach to the esophagus) of gastric contents to the esophagus.

Less common or less frequent symptoms of GERD are:

1. Nausea

2. Pain or discomfort in the chest

3. Burning pain during swallowing

4 . The feeling of the lump (feeling of the presence of something in the throat) in the throat

5. Increased salivation, dry cough, hoarseness, sore throat, etc.

Symptoms of GERD among children:

Symptoms and Complications of Acid Reflux Disease

Children can not describe symptoms like adults. Symptoms that suggest GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease) among children include frequent/repeated vomiting, coughing, effortless spitting, wheezing, excessive crying, refusal of feeding, bad breath, belching, burping, crying for food only to pull off feeding bottle or breast, etc.

Complications of GERD or acid reflux disease:

1. Narrowing of the esophagus: due to repeated reflux of gastric contents (acid, food, bile, etc.), there is inflammation of esophageal mucosa. Long-standing inflammation can lead to ulceration and scar formation of esophageal mucosa which may lead to narrowing of the esophageal lumen and lead to difficulty in swallowing.

2. Ulcer formation: acid reflux from the stomach can erode the mucosal lining of the esophagus and lead to ulcer formation. There may be bleeding from an open ulcer of the esophagus.

3. Formation of Barrett’s esophagus: acid reflux for a long duration may lead to the development of Barrett’s esophagus (a precancerous condition), which is a type of metaplastic change in esophageal mucosa, which leads to increased risk of stomach/gastric cancer. Once Barrett’s esophagus develops it is important to do endoscopic examination regularly.
